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More About SponsorWare

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Many organizations and people are creating their own web sites for a variety of purposes. And one fact is true for all of these sites - visitors are needed. Without people, and lots of them, visiting your web site, it can be a futile effort. Why bother to put all of the time and effort into a site only to have no one visit it, remember it or read it?

Search Engine submissions and optimization are essential for developing a steady flow of new visitors. However, one of the best and most often overlooked methods of promoting a site is called sponsorware marketing with the use of Sponsorware. This is the technique that has been successfully used by the largest web sites over and over again. Sites with familiar names like,, and even

So what is sponsorware marketing? Just like it sounds, sponsorware marketing is a marketing strategy that spreads or perpetuates itself. The most popular strategies include a downloadable SponsorWare product like an e-book or software application that is offered at your site. As SponsorWare the software/e-Book is branded and licensed to an individual, company or organization. The application's 'splash' welcome window includes the licensee's custom logo, plus name, address, telephone number and web hyperlink.



SponsorWare is a great way to help bring new visitors to your web site. ABC, Inc. offers a variety of software and electronic book (e-Book) titles that are available as SponsorWare. All SponsorWare products are downloadable and include an automatic installation program that creates desktop icons and Start Menu items. Our SponsorWare License is a life-time license for the specific product version that is licensed.

Of course, the product that you offer or create must be something that people want and find worthy to recommend to others. Our SponsorWare products are unique, popular and easy to use, which insures more visitors coming to your web site as more and more visitors discover your downloadable products.

